The apostles ask Jesus for an increase in faith in today’s Gospel reading. I think we all need an increase in faith and a decrease in our thinking that we are in charge. It is when we try to do things by ourselves without any consultation from the Almighty that things go sideways and a sense of self-centeredness, self-pity, and negativity takes over. It’s like two fleas arguing about who owns the dog they’re sitting on. Sometimes natural disasters have a way of waking some folks up to the fact they are not the boss; the hurricane last week in Florida being the most recent example. However, when we do have faith and pray for its increase, we become more aware of God in our lives and then our life planning takes on a holiness that results in gratitude, a more relaxed demeanor, and a joyful spirit. Who doesn’t want that! I remember an advertising catch phrase years ago that said: “Things go better with Coke.” Let’s borrow that phrase and say: “Things go better with Faith.”