The Saint Joseph Neier Liturgy Commission plans and provides for the spiritual development of each member of the community through liturgical celebrations.

“Liturgical actions are not private actions but celebrations of the Church itself, which is the ‘sacrament of unity,’ namely, a holy people assembled and ordered under the bishops; therefore, liturgical actions pertain to the whole body of the Church and manifest and affect it, but they affect the individual members of the Church in different ways according to the diversity of orders, functions, and actual participation.”
(Canon No. 837, #1)

Our Liturgy Ministries and Groups


The primary role of a lector is to proclaim the Word of God from the Holy Scriptures. Lectors assist the priest by reading the First Reading, the Second Reading, and the Prayers of the Faithful during Mass. Not only should lectors be effective communicators comfortable with public speaking, they should be conscious of their role in expressing God’s Word to the rest of the parish community present at the liturgy.

  • Lectors must be in full Communion with the Catholic Church.
  • Lectors must be willing to prepare ahead of time in order to study the meaning and pronunciation of their assigned readings.
  • Lectors must also be present at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the Mass.

Interested in participating as a Lector? Please contact the Parish Office at 636-583-2806.


Altar Servers are trained to assist at the celebration of the Eucharist, including weekend Masses, funerals, and weddings. This ministry is open to all students in grades 4 – 8 as well as all interested teens and adults. Training sessions take place several times per year.

Interested in becoming  and altar server, contact the Parish Office at 636-583-2806.


Eucharistic Minister, or more properly “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion”, is used to denote a lay person who assists the priest in administering the sacraments of holy communion, the consecrated bread and wine. They may also take the sacraments to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend Mass.

Interested in becoming  Eucharistic Minister, contact the Parish Office at 636-583-2806.

If you wish to spend time with the Lord during our Adoration times please contact Betty Fink  at 636-583-5510

Overview: In need of Home-bound Eucharist?

Interested in becoming  a Eucharistic Home Bound Minister please contact the Parish Office at 636-583-2806.


Greeters personally welcome those who come to worship, recognizing the presence of Christ in those they greet. They may also assist in distributing worship aids as needed.

Ushers welcome the stranger and friend, help people find seats in church, take up the collection and coordinate the presentation of the wine and bread, direct the Communion processions, and straighten the church after Mass. Ushers also keep an eye out for anyone in need of assistance and are knowledgeable about the church building, its facilities, and emergency procedures.

Interested in becoming a Greeter or Usher, please contact the Parish Office at 636-583-2806.


Interested in participating as a Cantors or in the Music?

Please contact the Parish Office at 636-583-2806.

St. Joseph Neier Events

* Denotes Special Details

Important Contact Information

Fr. Peter Blake
Office: 636-583-5144, Option 4

Senior Associate Pastor
Fr. Eric Kunz
Office: 636-629-0315

Business Manager/Parish Coordinator
Sarah Johnson
Office: 636-583-2806

Maintenance/Parish Facilities
Dale Straatmann
Office: 636-583-2806