Fr. Peter Blake
Parish Coordinator
Sarah Johnson, our Parish Coordinator, runs the daily business end of the church, making sure the church operates as intended.
Parish Council
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the St. Joseph Neier Parish Council will use our passion for God and enthusiasm for our parish to inspire and build our faith community and ministries so that all are living as one in the Body of Christ.
Finance Council
The Administration and Finance Commission works with the stewardship commission for the parish, giving all parishioners an opportunity to share time, talent, and treasure to serve the mission of the Church in the parish, to make recommendations to the council concerning all aspects of parish financial and budget matters, and to be concerned with the maintenance of parish property.
Plans and provides for the spiritual development of each member of the community through liturgical celebrations.
Develops within the parish an understanding that the community as a whole has the responsibility for promoting the educational mission of the Church.
Reminds us and sets the example that every Christian is called to service and promotes that every parishioner should become involved in actively accepting the responsibility of their baptism.
The St. Joseph Stewardship Commission mission is to welcome, nurture and celebrate the Steward within us, who lives the Gospel invitation to share one’s gifts and talents with others.
St. Joseph Neier Events
* Denotes Special Details
Important Contact Information
Fr. Peter Blake
Office: 636-583-5144, Option 4
Senior Associate Pastor
Fr. Eric Kunz
Office: 636-629-0315
Business Manager/Parish Coordinator
Sarah Johnson
Office: 636-583-2806
Maintenance/Parish Facilities
Dale Straatmann
Office: 636-583-2806