“You will be the first teachers of your child in the ways of the faith. May you also be the best of teachers, bearing witness to the faith by what you say and do in Christ Jesus the Lord.”
–Rite of Baptism
Thank you for your interest in our Parish School of Religion program for students in Grade 1 to Grade 8 who attend public schools or who are home-schooled.
We welcome you and offer a program of religious instruction & formation in the Catholic faith. We meet weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm – 7:45pm during the months of late August to early May.
We have a great team of Catechists who come and share the love of Christ each Wednesday evening to serve, pray with, and teach our children. They bring with them years of experience, a heart full of love, and passion for their faith to our students.
We strive for complete intimacy and communion with Jesus Christ.
If you wish to enroll or re-enroll your child/teen, please contact the Director or use the enrollment form.
If you feel called to catechize the young people of our parish, please call the Director today.
P.S. PSR is intended to be an eight-year process. So attendance is presumed for all eight years. To skip any year is to miss an important segment of the total picture. There are also special sessions for parents along the way. Two years of preparation is required of children before First Confession and First Communion, and preparation for Confirmation requires at least two years of class participation.
St. Joseph Neier PSR Philosophy and Mission Statement
St. Joseph Neier Parish School of Religion is a faith-filled community in which the pastor and staff aim to promote the teaching mission of the church by proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ, forming a community of faith, and reaching out to others.