Today we celebrate the Lord’s entry into Jerusalem amid the crowds’ joyous
“Hosanna” which quickly turns to the cry, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.” This is the
holiest week of the entire year as we relive the Paschal Mystery and celebrate the
great events of our salvation. It is a week that disciples ought not to miss. We see
Jesus riding astride a donkey into the throngs waving palm branches. We see Jesus
sharing the Last Supper with His apostles and in the course of the meal instituting for
all time the Sacrament of His Body and Blood, then washing the disciples’ feet to
show them that being His disciples is all about service, not earthly rewards. We see
Jesus nailed to the Cross and hanging there between two thieves uttering even then,
words of forgiveness and mercy. We see Him placed in the arms of His sorrowful
Mother and feel her anguish as we mourn the death of our Savior. We see darkness
turn to light as we celebrate the triumphal return of the Savior from the grave. We
welcome new members into our family through the sacraments we can sometimes
take for granted. Let their joy and hunger for Jesus remind all of us how privileged
we truly are to follow Him. We see the Risen Jesus with eyes of faith as we are
reminded at Easter that the tomb was empty. We stand to renew our Baptismal
Covenant and promise to reject anything that leads us away from God. As we
celebrate the liturgies of Holy Week, a very special grace is given us if we ask for it.
Faith is increased, hope is renewed, and charity blossoms into action.
Fr. Pete