Our Church

Weekends: Sat 5pm | Sun 10:30am

Mass Schedule

Daily Mass is Thurs & Fri at 6:30am
Confessions are Saturday 4:15 – 4:45pm
Saturday Mass is at 5:00pm
Sunday Mass is at 10:30am


Parish Hall

A Place for Community

Gather Us In

Our modern parish center hosts parish events and can be rented as a reception hall for weddings and more. Features 14,000sqft, modern kitchen and bar.



God's love in the 7 sacraments

Jesus touches our lives

through the sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance,
Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony
and Holy Orders.


“I will appoint for you shepherds after my own heart, who will shepherd you wisely and prudently” –Jeremiah 3:15

We are so blessed to have Father Blake and Father Kunz be us on our Journey with Christ.

All are welcome at

St. Joseph Neier Catholic Church

Virtually step inside, right now, to look around and see the beauty of our church.  Come in-person and you can feel the presence of God.

(click and drag your mouse around to look up, down, left and right, click on the arrows to walk forward.)

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1 month ago

St. Joseph's Neier Parish, Union MO


The beauty of the season adorns St. Joseph.✨🎄 ...

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Our church is beautiful! I didn’t realize the time and labor it took to get the church ready for Christmas, till I started to help. The decorations are up for such a short time for all the work it takes to put them up! But it is beautiful and the angel tree adds the finishing touch! When we started the angel tree for our deceased love ones, we just had one tree, we now have 4 trees. So, if you’re looking for something to do in a week or so, come help us take it all down. Oh, we do have an open house New Year’s Day from 12 Pm - 4 PM for anyone to visit and see the beauty. I think pretty much all the Catholic Churches in Franklin County are participating in this tradition. But it is most beautiful when the lights are down low. Yes, the tinsel is put on and taken off the trees every year behind the stable. So glad we remained open so the tradition could continue. We have started a new tradition this year the “Christmas Pageant” the Nativity with our PSR children. The church was packed on a Wednesday night.

Our church is beautiful. Thank you to the ones who done the work of putting it all together.

I love our church. The decorations are always stunning. Great job you guys.

Special!! Thank you for sharing. Beautiful memories.

Beautifully said Brenda we are proud of our parish.

Our church is beautiful!

Beautiful! Merry Christmas!

Absolutely gorgeous!!

Thanks to everyone who makes Neier so beautiful.

All the pictures are beautiful!!

I LOVE walking in to this❣️


Absolutely stunning display!


Just beautiful!

It's as pretty as I remember it growing up. 💕

Love this church in Franklin county mo

So pretty!!

Oh so beautiful 🤩 ❤️❤️❤️

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2 months ago

St. Joseph's Neier Parish, Union MO


Comment on Facebook

Heartwarming to see the kids involved. Congratulations to Barb and all the teachers for their time and talents.

The kids did a great job. So glad to see Fr. Don and all the people that came for this. Merry Christmas to all.

Great to see the Procession tradition return to Neier. Teachers and kids did a great job.

The children and the teachers did an outstanding job. Happy to see Father Don and others attending. 💓 Merry Christmas to all!

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Important Contact Information

Fr. Peter Blake
Office: 636-583-5144, Option 4

Senior Associate Pastor
Fr. Eric Kunz
Office: 636-629-0315

Business Manager/Parish Coordinator
Sarah Johnson
Office: 636-583-2806

Maintenance/Parish Facilities
Dale Straatmann
Office: 636-583-2806

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