The St. Jospeh Neier Christian Service Commission reminds us and sets the example that every Christian is called to service and promotes that every parishioner should become involved in actively accepting the responsibility of their baptism.

It is the purpose of the Christian Service Commission to promote and coordinate programs that will guarantee all God’s children in the worldwide community, in the local community, and especially within the parish boundaries, justice and charity in full measure. It has the responsibility of enabling members of the parish to respond to the social justice problems of today. It also concerns itself with the physical, mental, and emotional needs of the people of the parish, giving special care to the poor, the lonely, the aged, the oppressed, and minority groups.

Our Christian Service Ministries and Groups


Each year during Advent, we sponsor needy children in the area through Division of Family Services with our Giving Tree. Each Ornament on the Giving Tree has a gift suggestion, as well as the age and sex of the individual who will receive the gift.

Interested in helping with the Christmas Giving Tree? Please contact the Parish Office 636-583-2806. 

Each year the Ladies Sodality sponsors a Thanksgiving Food Drive to help those in need. Our food donations are collected for a local food pantry in Franklin County called Tri-Pantry. They help those in need from 3 counties, not just the Union area.

Interested in helping with the Thanksgiving Food Drive?

Please contact the Parish Office 636-583-2806.


Held During Lent. We have a “baby shower” to benefit the Your Other Mother in Union.

Your Other Mother is run by an all volunteer staff, and seek to offer unconditional love 24/7 without judgement.

Your Other Mother also offers adoption services. In 2016 they teamed up with a local law firm and continued to work with private, open adoptions as an alternative to abortions. Your Other Mother is a 100% pro-life, Christian non-profit organization governed by an active Board of Directors.

Interested in helping with the Baby Shower?

Please contact the Parish Office 636-583-2806.


The Ladies Sodality is an active group of women who sponsor many fund raisers every year. These fund raisers are not only for St. Joseph, but also for local agencies to help those in need.

The Ladies Sodality sponsors our annual Fish Fries, the Thanksgiving Food Drive, The Giving Tree at Christmas, The Baby Shower for Your Other Mother and help with other youth events we offer at St. Joseph Neier.

Interested in participating in the Ladies Sodality? Please contact the Parish Office 636-583-2806.


The St. Joseph Quilters meet on Thursdays from 8am – 1pm and 7pm – 9 pm to make beautiful handmade creations to sell or raffle throughout the year.

Interested in participating in the St. Joseph Quilters?

Please contact the Parish Office 636-583-2806.


The Knights of Columbus empower Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.

Their goal is to help men, their families and their parishes grow closer to Christ. Through their programs and resources, they provide opportunities to live and spread the Catholic faith.

Interested in participating in the Knights of Columbus? Please contact Jim Noelker 636-283-1100.

St. Joseph Neier Events

* Denotes Special Details

Important Contact Information

Fr. Peter Blake
Office: 636-583-5144, Option 4

Senior Associate Pastor
Fr. Eric Kunz
Office: 636-629-0315

Business Manager/Parish Coordinator
Sarah Johnson
Office: 636-583-2806

Maintenance/Parish Facilities
Dale Straatmann
Office: 636-583-2806