Ordinary Mass Times
Saturday 5pm Mass – Join us at 4:40 to pray the Holy Rosary before Mass. If you are interested in volunteering to lead the rosary please call Jim or Jo Noelker at 636-583-4996
Sunday 10:30am Mass
Thursday & Friday Mass at 6:30am
See calendar for additional Mass times throughout the year.
Confession Time
Saturday 4:15pm – 4:45pm
See calendar for additional confession times throughout the year
Eucharistic Adoration
Is held the 1st Thursday of each month and each Thursday during Lent after 6:30am Mass and ending with Mass at 1:00pm. Come and spend an hour with our Lord.

All are welcome at
St. Joseph Neier Catholic Church
Virtually step inside, right now, to look around and see the beauty of our church. Come in-person and you can feel the presence of God.
(click and drag your mouse around to look up, down, left and right, click on the arrows to walk forward.)