Would you believe that this is the 111th bulletin letter that I’ve written since my arrival here at St. Joseph’s? That it happens to come on November 11th is a little interesting I thoughtJ…

First of all, thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed the Shooting Match this past weekend. Thanks to the kindness of a benevolent God, the rain held off and we had a successful afternoon. Thanks as well to Wes and Lauren Straatmann and their family as well as the entire Shooting Match committee for all their hard work!

Second, earlier this past month the Parish Council met, and one of the topics discussed was the possibility of raising the fees to purchase cemetery plots here at St. Joseph’s. The last time the cemetery fees were adjusted was sometime in the early 1980s and with the increase in maintenance costs, it seemed like a reasonable proposal. After several minutes of discussion, what was eventually decided was that we would announce the increase in fees this month, but that the increase wouldn’t be made effective until the beginning of the new year. Thus, while the fees will increase in 2019, every parishioner will have the opportunity to take advantage of the next 45 days or so to lock in the current rates. As of January 1, 2019 the rates for St. Joseph’s parishioners will increase to $500 for a double plot; $350 for a single. Non-parishioner rates will increase to $900 for a double plot and $600 for a single. If anyone has questions or concerns in this regard, please contact me or the rectory office.

Have a blessed week!