From Fr. Tom,

One of the most beautiful, holy, and cute things anyone of faith can witness is the moment a tiny child first learns to make the sign of the cross. You see the deliberate effort of the child trying to move their arms and hands in the form of the cross on their body. It is a real effort for the child to do this. I’ve seen it many times with my nieces and nephews and now with their children! Ministry now allows me to see older, more feeble, folks sometimes struggling with the same effort in trying to make the sign of the cross. It’s not really that cute, but I find myself wondering how many times (OMG) in their lives they themselves have begun and ended prayer with the sign of the cross. As we celebrate the mystery of the Trinity this weekend, let’s take our time and think about what we are doing as we acclaim Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Many theologians and scripture scholars have tried and failed to find comparisons and analogies in an attempt to explain exactly what the Trinity is and how God works through it. Let’s just say God created us with total love, He became one of us to save us from our sins, and cares about us today (as only He can) and wants us to return to Him in the glory of heaven. I know, even that doesn’t come close. So let’s just give up the explaining and let God take us into His arms…relax! God bless you.